Aws-load-balancer-controller-crds Helm Chart | Datree (2024)

✅️ Prevent Ingress security vulnerability (CVE-2021-25742)

Aws-load-balancer-controller-crds Helm Chart | Datree (1)

A vulnerability has been discovered in Kuberenetes where users with limited access to a Kubernetes cluster, but with the ability to create an Ingress object based on the NGINX Ingress Controller, could elevate privilege and access full cluster secrets (NVD severity of this issue: High).

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✅️ Ensure each container image has a pinned (tag) version

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When an image tag is not descriptive (e.g. lacking the version tag like 1.19.8), every time that image is pulled, the version will be a different version and might break your code. Also, a non-descriptive image tag does not allow you to easily roll back (or forward) to different image versions. It is better to use concrete and meaningful tags such as version strings or an image SHA.

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✅️ Ensure each container has a configured memory request

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Memory requests allow you to use memory resources efficiently and allow you to allocate a guaranteed minimum of computing resources for the pods running in your cluster.

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✅️ Ensure each container has a configured CPU request

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CPU requests enable you to use CPU resources efficiently and to allocate a guaranteed minimum of computing resources for the pods running in your cluster.

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✅️ Ensure each container has a configured memory limit

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Memory limits enable you to use memory resources efficiently. By setting memory limits, you restrict the maximum amount of memory available to the pods running in your cluster.

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✅️ Ensure each container has a configured CPU limit

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CPU limits enable you to use CPU resources efficiently by restricting the maximum amount of CPU available to the pods running in your cluster.

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✅️ Prevent Ingress from forwarding all traffic to a single container

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Misconfiguring the ingress host can unintended forward all traffic to a single pod instead of leveraging the load balancing capabilities. By verifying that ingress traffic is targeted by multiple pods, you will achieve higher application availability because you won't be dependent upon a single pod to serve all ingress traffic.

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✅️ Ensure CronJob scheduler is valid

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You should always confirm that the cron schedule expression is valid or your jobs won't be executed.

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✅️ Ensure workload has valid label values

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Labels are nothing more than custom key-value pairs that are attached to objects and are used to describe and manage different Kubernetes resources. If the labels do not follow Kubernetes label syntax requirements (see links below), they will not be applied properly.

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✅️ Ensure deployment-like resource is using a valid restart policy

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From the Kubernetes docs:"Only a .spec.template.spec.restartPolicy equal to Always is allowed, which is the default if not specified."Therefore, restartPolicy values like OnFailure or Never will be invalid and will not be applied as the user expect them to.

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✅️ Ensure each container has a configured liveness probe

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Liveness probes allow Kubernetes to determine when a pod should be replaced. They are fundamental in configuring a resilient cluster architecture.

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✅️ Ensure each container has a configured readiness probe

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Readiness probes allow Kubernetes to determine when a pod is ready to accept traffic. This ensures that client requests will not be routed to pods that are unable to process them.

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✅️ Ensure HPA has minimum replicas configured

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When auto-scaling resource utilization is triggered with HPA (HorizontalPodAutoscaler), a range of acceptable values must be set to prevent unintended scaling down scenarios.

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✅️ Ensure HPA has maximum replicas configured

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When auto-scaling resource utilization is triggered by HPA (HorizontalPodAutoscaler), a range of acceptable values must be set to prevent unintended scaling-up scenarios.

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✅️ Ensure each container has a configured liveness probe

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Liveness probes allow Kubernetes to determine when a pod should be replaced. They are fundamental in configuring a resilient cluster architecture.

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✅️ Ensure each container has a configured readiness probe

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Readiness probes allow Kubernetes to determine when a pod is ready to accept traffic. This ensures that client requests will not be routed to pods that are unable to process them.

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✅️ Ensure HPA has minimum replicas configured

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When auto-scaling resource utilization is triggered with HPA (HorizontalPodAutoscaler), a range of acceptable values must be set to prevent unintended scaling down scenarios.

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✅️ Ensure HPA has maximum replicas configured

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When auto-scaling resource utilization is triggered by HPA (HorizontalPodAutoscaler), a range of acceptable values must be set to prevent unintended scaling-up scenarios.

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✅️ Prevent workload from using the default namespace

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The namespace default is a saved namespace value in which Kubernetes is deploying all objects without an explicit namespace. Using explicit namespaces instead of the default value makes for clearer boundaries between sets of pods in a cluster. For example, namespaces that represent teams present a clear organization of cluster resources and make configuration overlaps less likely.

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✅️ Ensure CronJob has a configured deadline

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When the CronJob controller counts more than 100 missed schedules, the cron job is no longer scheduled. Missed CronJobs are considered failures.By default, the CronJob controller counts how many missed schedules happen for a cron job since status.lastScheduleTime until now. When startingDeadlineSeconds is set, the CronJob controller counts how many missed jobs occurred between the value of startingDeadlineSeconds until now.Setting a deadline can reduce the number of missed schedules needed to mark a CronJob as a failure while increasing the CronJob reliability.

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✅️ Prevent deprecated APIs in Kubernetes v1.16

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The v1.16 release stopped serving some API versions for different resource types. When a user deploys a resource with a deprecated API version, the Kubernetes engine rejects it.

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✅️ Prevent deprecated APIs in Kubernetes v1.17

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The v1.17 release stopped serving some API versions for different resource types. When a user deploys a resource with a deprecated API version, the Kubernetes engine rejects it.

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✅️ Prevent containers from having root access capabilities

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Processes running in privileged containers have access to host-level resources such as the file system. These containers are much more secure when their access is limited to the pod level.

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✅️ Prevent CronJob from executing jobs concurrently

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By default, the cron job allows concurrently running jobs but generally speaking, the behavior of your cron jobs will be more deterministic if you prevent them from running concurrently. Allowing concurrent cron jobs often requires locking mechanisms (to avoid race conditions) in addition to startup/cleanup handling.

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✅️ Prevent EndpointSlice validation from enabling host network hijack (CVE-2021-25737)

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A vulnerability has been found in Kubernetes kube-apiserver in which an authorized user could redirect pod traffic to private networks on a node (NVD severity of this issue: Low).

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Aws-load-balancer-controller-crds Helm Chart | Datree (2024)


What is the role of load balancer controller in AWS? ›

The AWS Load Balancer Controller creates ALBs and the necessary supporting AWS resources whenever a Kubernetes ingress resource is created on the cluster with the alb annotation. The ingress resource configures the ALB to route HTTP or HTTPS traffic to different Pods within the cluster.

What is a help chart? ›

A Helm chart is a package that contains all the necessary resources to deploy an application to a Kubernetes cluster. This includes YAML configuration files for deployments, services, secrets, and config maps that define the desired state of your application.

How to install ingress controller in aws? ›

  1. Configure the ALB ingress controller manifest. At minimum, edit the following variables: --cluster-name=devCluster : name of the cluster. AWS resources will be tagged with Tip. ...
  2. Deploy the ALB ingress controller manifest. kubectl apply -f alb-ingress-controller.yaml.

How do I create an internal load balancer in AWS EKS? ›

Create an AWS EKS Cluster
  1. Create S3 buckets and DynamoDB tables for Terraform Remote State.
  2. Create AWS EKS Cluster.
  3. Configure OIDC Provider as Identity Provider in AWS IAM Service.
  4. Install AWS Load Balancer Controller using Terraform Helm Provider.
  5. Install AWS External DNS Controller using Terraform Helm Provider.
Mar 23, 2023

What is the difference between ingress controller and load balancer controller? ›

While ingresses and load balancers have a lot of overlap in functionality, they behave differently. The main difference is ingresses are native objects inside the cluster that can route to multiple services, while load balancers are external to the cluster and only route to a single service.

What is the purpose of Helm chart? ›

A Helm chart is a set of YAML manifests and templates that describes Kubernetes resources (Deployments, Secrets, CRDs, etc.) and defined configurations needed for the Kubernetes application, and is also easy to deploy in a Kubernetes cluster or in a single node with just one command.

Why do we need Helm charts? ›

Helm Charts helps to install, define and upgrade its application. It will be beneficial to deploy complex applications. It Charts allow you to version the manifest files too. This helps to install any specific chart versions.

What is the use of Helm chart? ›

What is Helm? Helm helps you manage Kubernetes applications — Helm Charts help you define, install, and upgrade even the most complex Kubernetes application. Charts are easy to create, version, share, and publish — so start using Helm and stop the copy-and-paste.

Is Ingress controller an API gateway? ›

In essence, an ingress controller does the same job as a reverse proxy or an API gateway when it comes to handling incoming traffic and routing it to the appropriate server/Service. However, the ingress controller operates at a different level of the network stack.

What is the difference between ingress instance and IP? ›

instance mode: Ingress traffic starts from the ALB and reaches the NodePort opened for your service. Traffic is then routed to the pods within the cluster. ip mode: Ingress traffic starts from the ALB and reaches the pods within the cluster directly.

What is the difference between AWS load balancer controller NLB and ALB? ›

The ALB operates on layer 7, which means the ALB inspects the details of every incoming HTTP request. In contrast, the NLB works on layer 4. All the NLB cares about is forwarding the incoming TCP or UDP connection to a target. The NLB does not inspect an incoming HTTP request, for example.

Is load balancer external or internal? ›

The external load balancer is used to route external HTTP traffic into the cluster. The internal load balancer is used for internal service discovery and load balancing within the cluster.

What ingress controller does EKS use? ›

Use the NGINX ingress controller or AWS Load Balancer Controller for Kubernetes to provide external access to multiple Kubernetes services in your Amazon EKS cluster. The NGINX ingress controller is maintained primarily by NGINX.

Which load balancer is faster in AWS? ›

But in general, the Classic Elastic Load Balancer is likely to be the best choice if your routing and load balancing needs can all be handled based on IP addresses and TCP ports. In contrast, the AWS Application Load Balancer can address more complex load balancing needs by managing traffic at the application level.

Which method is best for load balancer? ›

Round-robin load balancing is the simplest and most commonly-used load balancing algorithm. Client requests are distributed to application servers in simple rotation.

What is the difference between load balancer ALB and ELB? ›

One of the most significant differences between ALB and ELB lies in the system of their routing process. While ELB only routes traffic based on routing number, ALB facilitates context-driven routing based on multiple references, including query string perimeter, source IP, port number, hostname, and path.

What is the difference between load balancer and application delivery controller? ›

A load balancer simply distributes inbound application traffic across multiple servers whereas ADC is an advanced version of Load Balancer that offers various services across OSI layer 4-7.

What is the difference between load balancer and route table? ›

The Application Load Balancer routes the request to the EC2 instance through a node that's associated with the public subnet in the same Availability Zone. The route table routes the traffic locally within the VPC, between the public subnet and the private subnet, and to the EC2 instance.

What can I use instead of Helm? ›

HelmCompetitors and Alternatives
  • Docker. Compare.
  • Spinnaker. Compare.
  • Ansible. Compare.
  • HashiCorp Nomad. Compare.
  • JFrog Artifactory. Compare.
  • npm. Compare.
  • Git. Compare.
  • Puppet Enterprise. Compare.

What is the difference between Helm chart and YAML file? ›

A Helm chart is simply a collection of YAML template files organized into a specific directory structure. Charts are somewhat analogous to DEB and RPM files. However, since they are text-based, charts are versionable and simple to maintain with familiar SCM tools.

Where are Helm charts stored? ›

Under the hood, the helm repo add and helm repo update commands are fetching the index. yaml file and storing them in the $XDG_CACHE_HOME/helm/repository/cache/ directory. This is where the helm search function finds information about charts.

Why are Helm charts so complicated? ›

The biggest challenge for Helm is complexity. The whole system is based on templating helm charts which makes it very difficult to create and debug complex applications that may consist of multiple Kubernetes resources. The more the Helm charts are, the more complex the entire system is.

What is difference between Kubernetes and Helm? ›

Helm charts are YAML code that helps define, install, and upgrade applications on Kubernetes clusters. Kubernetes Operators are application-specific controllers that help handle certain tasks by extending the Kubernetes API's functionality.

Can we use Kubernetes without Helm? ›

Helm helps to manage Kubernetes applications as a whole, even the more complex ones. You can install or upgrade application using one command, such as helm install stable/mysql . Without Helm, this would typically involve creating and applying several Kubernetes manifests. This is nice, but comes at a cost.

Are Helm charts worth it? ›

The benefits of using Helm should already be obvious. First and foremost, they can save your development team a lot of time. Instead of having to start from square one each time, your developers can turn to Helm charts to get a considerable head start on deployment.

What is the difference between Helm and operator? ›

Use Helm to package and deploy if there are no special or complex configuration requirements. Go with Operators if there are Complex configurations. Operators provide a better solution when dealing with mature clusters as they can be deployed later but still manage some application configurations.

What is the difference between terraform and Helm chart? ›

Terraform is an open source IaC tool used for managing and automating infrastructure, platforms, and services. Finally, it helps to change and build version infrastructure through code. Meanwhile, Helm is a Kubernetes package manager that deploys repeatable services and apps to clusters.

What is the difference between API Gateway and load balancer? ›

The primary difference between an API gateway and a load balancer is their purpose. An API gateway's primary function is to provide a unified interface for clients to access backend services, while a load balancer's primary function is to distribute traffic across a group of servers.

Can an API Gateway be a load balancer? ›

Here are some of the advantages of using API Gateway: Improved performance: By handling tasks such as routing and load balancing, the API gateway can improve the overall performance of the system, enabling it to handle a larger number of requests and respond more quickly to the clients.

Is API Gateway and load balancer the same? ›

So, how do API gateways and load balancers differ? The main difference between these two services is that API gateways provide secure access to backend services, whereas load balancers distribute traffic between multiple servers.

What is ingress vs egress API? ›

Data Egress vs.

Another way to define egress is the process of data being shared externally via a network's outbound traffic. When thinking about ingress vs. egress, data ingress refers to traffic that comes from outside an organization's network and is transferred into it.

Is ingress inbound or outbound? ›

Ingress is inbound, egress is outbound. As container environments have matured, the term ingress has been applied to have a very specific, application focused definition. Ingress.

Does ingress have load balancer? ›

Ingress is a Kubernetes resource that encapsulates a collection of rules and configuration for routing external HTTP(S) traffic to internal services. On GKE, Ingress is implemented using Cloud Load Balancing.

Which three must be configured for a load balancer? ›

To try out the Load Balancer service for this tutorial, you must have these things set up first: A virtual cloud network (VCN) with two subnets (each in a different availability domain) and an internet gateway. Two instances running (one in each subnet)

How to set up SSL in load balancer? ›

Associate an ACM SSL certificate with a Classic Load Balancer
  1. Open the Amazon EC2 console.
  2. In the navigation pane, choose Load Balancers. ...
  3. Choose the Listeners tab, and then choose Edit.
  4. For Load Balancer Protocol, choose HTTPS.
  5. For SSL Certificate, choose Change.
  6. Select Choose a certificate from ACM.

How do I assign a static IP to AWS load balancer? ›

You can't assign a static IP address to an Application Load Balancer. If your Application Load Balancer requires a static IP address, then it's a best practice to register it behind a Network Load Balancer.

What are the three types of load balancers that ELB offers? ›

AWS ELB comes in three versions which perform different tasks.
  • The Version 1 provides detailed instructions for using Classic Load Balancers.
  • 2nd version provides detailed instructions for using Application Load Balancers.
  • 3rd provides detailed instructions for using Network Load Balancers.

Which is better alb or NLB? ›

Considerations for Choosing the Right Load Balancer Application type: As mentioned earlier, ALB is better suited for applications that require more complex routing, while NLB is better suited for applications that require simple, high-performance routing.

What is the difference between loadbalancer L4 and L7? ›

L4 load balancing delivers traffic with limited network information with a load balancing algorithm (i.e. round-robin) and by calculating the best server based on fewest connections and fastest server response times. L7 load balancing works at the highest level of the OSI model.

Does a load balancer need a VPC? ›

You need a Shared VPC network with two subnets: one for the load balancer's frontend and backends, and the other for the load balancer's proxies. This example uses the following network, region, and subnets: Network.

What are the different types of load balancer methods? ›

There are two primary approaches to load balancing. Dynamic load balancing uses algorithms that take into account the current state of each server and distribute traffic accordingly. Static load balancing distributes traffic without making these adjustments.

Is load balancer physical or virtual? ›

Like servers, load balancing appliances can be physical or virtual. Physical (hardware load balancing) and virtual (software load balancing) appliances both evaluate client requests and server usage in real time and send requests to different servers based on a variety of algorithms.

What is the default load balancer in Kubernetes? ›

The most basic default Kubernetes load balancing strategy in a typical Kubernetes cluster comes from the kube-proxy. The kube-proxy fields all requests that are sent to the Kubernetes service and routes them.

Which Ingress controller is best? ›

NGINX Ingress Controllers

NGINX is a high-performance, open-source HTTP server that serves static assets, dynamic content, and proxy servers.

What is the difference between ingress controller and ingress resource? ›

An ingress controller is a configurable proxy running in the cluster that is typically composed of a control plane and a data plane. Configuration objects will vary depending on the ingress controller you are using. An ingress resource is a standard configuration object for an ingress controller.

What is the purpose of LoadBalancer? ›

Load balancers increase the fault tolerance of your systems by automatically detecting server problems and redirecting client traffic to available servers. You can use load balancing to make these tasks easier: Run application server maintenance or upgrades without application downtime.

What is the new AWS load balancer controller? ›

The new controller enables you to simplify operations and save costs by sharing an Application Load Balancer across multiple applications in your Kubernetes cluster, as well as using a Network Load Balancer to target pods running on AWS Fargate.

What are the responsibilities of load balancer? ›

A load balancer acts as the “traffic cop” sitting in front of your servers and routing client requests across all servers capable of fulfilling those requests in a manner that maximizes speed and capacity utilization and ensures that no one server is overworked, which could degrade performance.

What is the difference between loadbalancer and route? ›

Load Balancing concept is used to balance API traffic across various servers, Route Rules are used to route the traffic conditionally to different target end points.

How many requests can a load balancer handle? ›

Network Load Balancer currently supports 200 targets per Availability Zone. For example, if you are in two AZs, you can have up to 400 targets registered with Network Load Balancer.

What are the two general approaches to load balancing? ›

There are two general approaches to load balancing: push migration and pull migration. With push migration, a specific task periodically checks the load on each processor and -if it finds an imbalance- evenly distributes the load by moving (or pushing) processes from overloaded to idle or less-busy processors.

What is the difference between load balancer and ELB? ›

The classic load balancer serves various functions to provide application stacks with added security, easier management, and reliability. Specifically, ELB provides web networks with functions that include: User verification with a public key. Centralized administration of SSL certificates.

What is the difference between L4 and L7 load balancer AWS? ›

L4 load balancing delivers traffic with limited network information with a load balancing algorithm (i.e. round-robin) and by calculating the best server based on fewest connections and fastest server response times. L7 load balancing works at the highest level of the OSI model.

What are the main components of load balancer? ›

What are the components of Load Balancer? The five components of Load Balancer are: Dispatcher, Content Based Routing (CBR), Site Selector, Cisco CSS Controller, and Nortel Alteon Controller. Load Balancer gives you the flexibility of using the components separately or together depending on your site configuration.

What are the layers of load balancer? ›

Load balancers are generally grouped into two categories: Layer 4 and Layer 7. Layer 4 load balancers act upon data found in network and transport layer protocols (IP, TCP, FTP, UDP).

What is the difference between API and load balancer? ›

The primary difference between an API gateway and a load balancer is their purpose. An API gateway's primary function is to provide a unified interface for clients to access backend services, while a load balancer's primary function is to distribute traffic across a group of servers.

What is Layer 7 load balancing? ›

Layer 7 load balancing allows the load balancer to route a request based on information in the request itself, such as what kind of content is being requested. So now a request for an image or video can be routed to the servers that store it and are highly optimized to serve up multimedia content.


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